I've learned something from everybody…,
but from everybody something ‘SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT'.

And if I add up all these ‘ slight differences' , the music hums in my head ever so ‘slightly different'. Let me show you….

The largest ‘slightly different' contributions, my sources of inspiration for this cd, are by
Georges Staelens, who taught me the basics, Greet Severens en Jos Wijnen for my further professional development, and of course Walter Boeykens ( Belgium is too small for you).

Materially I could indulge myself ‘slightly differently' with thanks to Marc Vanhengel, headmaster of the Stedelijke Academie voor Muziek en Woord in Dilsen- Stokkem, and also the people behind 3 DDD Pharma. S

And finally: You only make music ‘slightly differently' if you make it with ‘slightly different' people. My thanks also to them for donating their support. For once something different. For your surfing and listening pleasure,

Kris clarinet